Viral blog post
Get more shares on a blog post by offering readers a free gift in exchange for sharing it on social media.
If you offer lead magnets or content upgrades on any blog posts, this campaign will help you automatically generate more shares from readers. After readers sign up for your lead magnet, you’ll offer them an additional bonus gift if they share your blog post on social media. It’s the perfect way to get more traffic to your posts and grow your blog audience.
Step one
Readers sign up for your lead magnet

This can be any kind of free resource readers get in exchange for signing up for your email list.
Step two
GoViral asks them to share the post

After signing up, they’re sent to a GoViral page that offers them a free bonus gift if they share your blog post on social media.
Step three
They share and get a free gift

After sharing, your subscribers will get access to the free gift and the lead magnet you originally promised. In exchange, you’ll get free traffic to your blog post.